
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tinsel & Tags

This is a SUPER quick post on a busy Tuesday!
I have Bible Study in the morning and a friend and I teach one in the evening at a local Assisted Living home.

I found my Tinsel & Tags kit on my door when I got home this afternoon.
I really didn't have time to play, but...

Betsy's adorable domes are what put me over the top for the kit!

SO CUTE!!!!!

I LOVE these.

Now, remember I was a bit rushed. 
My first attempt...

It really needs the tiny trees but I didn't want to waste any on a failed attempt...

My photography skills, or lack there of, really show...

I used a tinsel pipe cleaner I had. Again not wasting precious supplies...

But, I think I will be able to settle on a design and make them quicker than I thought!
This one needs a little more scenery in it, but...

I am in LOVE!

Thank you, Betsy and Nichole, and PTI!!!!

Thank you for looking at my blog!


  1. So, so pretty! Love the sparkle!

  2. Lovely globe. I can't wait to try out that kit too (now en route and delivery this coming Friday)
