
Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 2014 Blog Hop



A FAST card for the blog hop!
I have been in up to my eyebrows manufacturing favors and adorable snow globes!!!



Oh, here is my card ;)

We would appreciate any cheers for the Royals!
It has been 29 years!!!

Thank you for looking at my blog!

Friday, October 10, 2014

What I have been doing ~ UPDATE

Before I left for my 2 week trip I posted a picture of all of the things I cut out to work on while I was gone.

This is the before...

This is the after...

 This was a lot to photograph and as usual my picture isn't great.

I will post some of the finished products as I get a chance.

Thai is the rundown of numbers:

Tiny Takeout Boxes:  196
Gable Boxes: 70
Pillow Boxes:  79
Candy Canes: 81
Large Pine Cones: 83
Small Pine Cones: 33
Damask Snow Flakes (Double Stacked): 131
Large Fancy Flake: 60
Medium/Small Fancy Flake (stacked): 137

I also made just under 100 cards. Part of those cards are not complete. They are just a white card base with pattern paper adhered to the front. Some of those have parts cut for sentiments I didn't have with me.

There are also some other pieces pictured, but not added to my totals, that I had completed before I left!

Thanks, again for your supportive words and thought for my humble little mission!

Thank you for looking at my blog!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Do-over...

ETA: I also wanted to say I found the small bottle brush trees in both green and natural at Michael's.
They are a bit bigger but not much. I trimmed the bottom off the one I used and it worked great!
They also have that chunky glitter in the glitter section.
And, they sell the globes for $.99 each.
Just FYI for all of you inquiring minds!

I was not satisfied with my Tinsel & Tags jar topper globe from yesterday.
So... I re-made it!

SO much better. It needed the bottle brush tree and an extra tree from the die cut.
I am still having a bit of trouble with the trees tilting back...

HOW cute is this???

Where would out paper crafting be without Papertrey Ink?

The picture above was taken out side of my light box.
Less glare.

Thank you for looking at my blog!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tinsel & Tags

This is a SUPER quick post on a busy Tuesday!
I have Bible Study in the morning and a friend and I teach one in the evening at a local Assisted Living home.

I found my Tinsel & Tags kit on my door when I got home this afternoon.
I really didn't have time to play, but...

Betsy's adorable domes are what put me over the top for the kit!

SO CUTE!!!!!

I LOVE these.

Now, remember I was a bit rushed. 
My first attempt...

It really needs the tiny trees but I didn't want to waste any on a failed attempt...

My photography skills, or lack there of, really show...

I used a tinsel pipe cleaner I had. Again not wasting precious supplies...

But, I think I will be able to settle on a design and make them quicker than I thought!
This one needs a little more scenery in it, but...

I am in LOVE!

Thank you, Betsy and Nichole, and PTI!!!!

Thank you for looking at my blog!