
Sunday, November 21, 2010

These are the cards and box that I talk about in my next post.  I will remake the cards, have better pictures and give instructions for each card.  They are all really great cards, the photos don't do them justice.
Thanks for looking at my blog.  I will return after Thanksgiving!
I have not posted in a couple of weeks.  Our dear friend Gary is visiting us for Thanksgiving.  Gary was Al's landlord in New York but he became our friend.  We all miss him terribly.  Al was happy to leave NYC but I LOVED the city because I could come back to Kansas.  Anyway, I have been decorating the house for Christmas, so I have been really busy.  The cards that precede this post are from a box that a friend asked me to make for her friend.  The pictures were not taken by Colin :( so the quality is not good.  I will probably remake all of them and re-post with instructions.  This post is really for my benefit, so I can remember what the cards look like!